C ontempt Meaning in Bengali: অবজ্ঞা, অপমান, অপমানজনকতা (noun, /kənˈtɛm(p)t/)
Definition of C ontempt
C ontempt is a noun that refers to the feeling of disdain or scorn towards someone or something. It is a strong feeling of disrespect or disregard for someone’s authority, worth, or importance.
C ontempt Synonyms
Some synonyms of c ontempt include:
- Disdain (অবজ্ঞা)
- Scorn (অপমান)
- Disrespect (অপমানজনকতা)
- Contemptuousness (অপমানজনকতা)
- Disregard (অবহেলা)
C ontempt Antonyms
Some antonyms of c ontempt include:
- Respect (সম্মান)
- Admiration (প্রশংসা)
- Esteem (আদর)
- Regard (সতর্কতা)
- Honor (সম্মান)
Origin of C ontempt
The word c ontempt originated from the Latin word “contemptus,” which means “scorn” or “disdain.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to c ontempt include:
- Contemptible (adjective) – অপমানজনক
- Contemptuously (adverb) – অপমানজনকভাবে
- Contemptuous (adjective) – অপমানজনক
- Contemptuousness (noun) – অপমানজনকতা
C ontempt in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that mention c ontempt:
“The only way to deal with c ontempt is to meet it with indifference.” – Oscar Wilde (অবজ্ঞা সম্পর্কে যেকোনো প্রতিক্রিয়া দেওয়ার একটি মাত্র উপায় হলো উদাসীনতা দিয়ে সম্মুখীন হত্তয়া।)
“Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one’s own despised and unwanted feelings.” – Alice Miller (অবজ্ঞা দুর্বলদের অস্থিরতা এবং নিজের ঘৃণিত এবং অনিচ্ছিত ভাবনাগুলির বিরুদ্ধে একটি আত্মরক্ষা যন্ত্র।)
C ontempt Meaning in Different Languages
The meaning of c ontempt in different languages:
- Bengali: অবজ্ঞা
- Hindi: अवमान
- Nepali: अपमान
- Urdu: توہین
- Tamil: மதிக்காதல்
- Telugu: అవమానం
- Arabic: ازدراء
- Chinese: 蔑视
- Japanese: 軽蔑
- Russian: презрение
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