
Cadaverous Meaning in Bengali: মৃতদেহসম্পন্ন, মৃতদেহসদৃশ, মৃতদেহসংক্রান্ত (noun, adjective, adverb, verb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Cadaverous (adjective, pronounced kuh-dav-er-uhs) refers to something that resembles or relates to a corpse or a dead body. It can also describe a person who appears pale, thin, and gaunt, as if they were dead or suffering from a severe illness.

Synonyms of Cadaverous

Some synonyms of cadaverous include:

  • Emaciated (ক্ষীণ)
  • Gaunt (দুর্বল)
  • Pale (মলিন)
  • Skeletal (অস্থিরের মত)
  • Wan (মলিন)

Antonyms of Cadaverous

Some antonyms of cadaverous include:

  • Healthy (সুস্থ)
  • Robust (দৃঢ়)
  • Vibrant (প্রফুল্লিত)
  • Plump (গোলাপো)
  • Rosy (গোলাপী)

Origin of Cadaverous

The word cadaverous originated from the Latin word “cadaver,” which means “corpse” or “dead body.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words

Some words related to cadaverous include:

  • Cadaver (noun) – মৃতদেহ
  • Cadaveric (adjective) – মৃতদেহসংক্রান্ত
  • Cadaverously (adverb) – মৃতদেহসদৃশভাবে
  • Cadaverine (noun) – মৃতদেহসংক্রান্ত গন্ধযুক্ত এক প্রকার প্রোটিন

Cadaverous in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word cadaverous:

“His face was cadaverous, and his eyes were sunken, giving him a haunting appearance.” – Charles Dickens (তাঁর মুখ মৃতদেহসম্পন্ন ছিল এবং তাঁর চোখ মগ্ন ছিল, যা তাঁকে একটি ভূতের মত দেখায়।)

“She had a cadaverous complexion, which added to her mysterious aura.” – Edgar Allan Poe (তাঁর মুখে মৃতদেহসম্পন্ন রঙ ছিল, যা তাঁর রহস্যময় প্রভাবে যোগ দিয়েছিল।)

Cadaverous Meaning in Different Languages

The word cadaverous is translated into various languages as follows:

  • Bengali: মৃতদেহসম্পন্ন
  • Hindi: मृतदेहसम्पन्न
  • Nepali: मृतदेहसम्पन्न
  • Urdu: مردہ جسم والا
  • Tamil: உடற்பயிற்சி செய்யும்
  • Telugu: శవమును సమానంగా ఉంచున
  • Arabic: جثة
  • Chinese: 尸体的
  • Japanese: 死体のような
  • Russian: трупный

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