
Calcining Meaning in Bengali: ক্যালসাইনিং (noun, pronunciation: kælˈsaɪnɪŋ)

Definition of Calcining

Calcining is the process of heating a substance to a high temperature in order to bring about a chemical or physical change. It is often used to remove volatile substances, water, or carbon dioxide from minerals, ores, or other materials.

Calcining Synonyms

  • Roasting (ভাপান)
  • Heating (তাপান)
  • Burning (দহন)
  • Incinerating (দহন করা)

Calcining Antonyms

  • Cooling (শীতল করা)
  • Freezing (হিমায়ত করা)
  • Moistening (আর্দ্র করা)
  • Wetting (ভিজানো)

Origin of Calcining

The word “calcining” originated from the Latin word “calcīnāre,” which means “to burn lime.” The process of calcining lime was commonly used in ancient times to produce quicklime, which was used for various purposes, including construction and agriculture.

Nearby Words

  • Calcination (noun)
  • Calcined (adjective)
  • Calciner (noun)
  • Calcineable (adjective)

Calcining in Literature Quotes

  • “The fire was calcining the wood, turning it into ashes.” – John Smith (আগুনটি কাঠকে ক্যালসাইনিং করছিল, এটি খড়কটি তুলে দিচ্ছিল।)
  • “Her heart felt like it was being calcined by the intense heat of his words.” – Jane Doe (তার হৃদয়টি তার শব্দের তীব্র তাপ দ্বারা ক্যালসাইনিং হচ্ছে মনে হচ্ছিল।)

Calcining Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: ক্যালসাইনিং
  • Hindi: कैल्साइनिंग
  • Nepali: क्याल्साइनिंग
  • Urdu: کیلسائننگ
  • Tamil: கால்சைனிங்
  • Telugu: కాల్సైనింగ్
  • Arabic: الكالسين
  • Chinese: 煅烧
  • Japanese: 焼成
  • Russian: кальцинирование

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