
Caliph Meaning in Bengali: খলিফা, খলিফার অর্থ, খলিফার পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত বাংলা শব্দগুলি (noun, খলিফা, খলিফার উচ্চারণ: /ˈkæl.ɪf/)

Definition of Caliph

(noun, Pronunciation: /ˈkæl.ɪf/)

A caliph is a political and religious leader in a Muslim government who is considered to be a successor to the Prophet Muhammad. The caliphate is the Islamic state ruled by a caliph.

Caliph Synonyms


  • Successor (উত্তরাধিকারী)
  • Leader (নেতা)
  • Ruler (রাজা)
  • Emir (এমির)
  • Sheikh (শেখ)

Caliph Antonyms


  • Subject (অধীনস্থ)
  • Follower (অনুগামী)
  • Disciple (শিষ্য)
  • Adherent (অনুগত)
  • Devotee (ভক্ত)

Origin of Caliph


The word “caliph” originated from the Arabic word “khalīfah,” which means “successor” or “representative.” It refers to the role of the caliph as the successor to the Prophet Muhammad and the representative of the Muslim community.

Nearby Words

  • Caliber (noun)
  • Calibrate (verb)
  • Calibration (noun)
  • Calico (noun)
  • Calisthenics (noun)

Caliph in Literature Quotes

“The caliphate is a symbol of unity for Muslims around the world.” – Anonymous (খলিফার অর্থ: বিশ্বব্যাপী মুসলিমদের একতা এর প্রতীক।)

“The caliph ruled with wisdom and justice, ensuring the welfare of his people.” – Ibn Khaldun (খলিফা বিচার ও ন্যায় দিয়ে শাসন করেন, তার জনগণের কল্যাণ নিশ্চিত করেন।)

Caliph Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: খলিফা
  • Hindi: ख़लीफ़ा
  • Nepali: खलीफा
  • Urdu: خلیفہ
  • Tamil: கலிப்
  • Telugu: ఖలీఫా
  • Arabic: خَلِيفَة
  • Chinese: 哈里發
  • Japanese: カリフ
  • Russian: халиф

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