Calks Meaning in Bengali: কাঁটা, কাঁটা দেওয়া, কাঁটা দেওয়ার কাজ, কাঁটা দেওয়ার যন্ত্র (noun, pronunciation: kãṭā, kãṭā deoya, kãṭā deoyar kãj, kãṭā deoyar jôntro)
Definition and Origin of Calks
Calks is a noun that refers to the pointed metal projections or spikes on the bottom of a horseshoe or boot, designed to provide traction on slippery surfaces. It is pronounced as “kawks”. The word originated from the Middle English word “calken” which means “to trample”.
Synonyms of Calks
Some synonyms of calks include:
- Spikes (কাঁটা, noun)
- Studs (কাঁটা, noun)
- Cleats (কাঁটা, noun)
- Projections (প্রক্ষেপ, noun)
Antonyms of Calks
Some antonyms of calks include:
- Smooth (মসৃণ, adjective)
- Slippery (হলকা, adjective)
- Slick (মসৃণ, adjective)
- Greasy (তেলযুক্ত, adjective)
Calks in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that mention calks:
- “The horse’s calks clicked on the cobblestones as it trotted down the street.” – Jane Austen (গড়ির কাঁটা পাথরে টকটক শব্দ করে গড়ি রাস্তায় দৌড়ালেন।)
- “He slipped and fell on the ice, wishing he had calks on his boots.” – Mark Twain (তিনি হিমে পড়ে এবং পড়ে যান, তাঁর বুটে কাঁটা থাকলে ভালো হতো বলে কামনা করলেন।)
Calks Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the meaning of calks in different languages:
- Bengali: কাঁটা
- Hindi: कांटे
- Nepali: काँटा
- Urdu: کانٹے
- Tamil: கால்க்ஸ்
- Telugu: కాల్క్స్
- Arabic: الأظافر
- Chinese: 铁钉
- Japanese: カルクス
- Russian: шипы
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