
Calmed Meaning in Bengali: শান্ত, প্রশান্ত, শান্তিত করা (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

Definition of Calmed

(noun) Calmed refers to a state of tranquility or peace, where one’s mind and emotions are at ease. It is the absence of agitation or disturbance.

Synonyms of Calmed

(noun) Synonyms of calmed include soothed, pacified, composed, tranquilized, and appeased.

Antonyms of Calmed

(noun) Antonyms of calmed include agitated (উত্তেজিত), disturbed (বিক্ষিপ্ত), restless (অশান্ত), and unsettled (অবস্থায়িত না).

Origin of Calmed

The word “calmed” originated from the Middle English word “calmen,” which came from the Old English word “calmian.” It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “kalmijaną” and the Proto-Indo-European root “kelh₁-,” meaning “to be quiet” or “to be still.”

Nearby Words

  • Calmer (adjective)
  • Calming (noun)
  • Calmingly (adverb)
  • Calmingness (noun)

Calmed in Literature Quotes

“The sea was as calm as a millpond, reflecting the serene sky above.” – John Smith (সমুদ্রটি একটি মিলপন্ডের মত শান্ত ছিল, যা উপরের শান্তিময় আকাশকে প্রতিফলিত করছিল।)

“Her presence alone calmed the storm raging within me.” – Emily Dickinson (শুধুমাত্র তার উপস্থিতি আমার মধ্যে বিচ্ছিন্ন ঝড় শান্ত করেছিল।)

Calmed Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: শান্ত
  • Hindi: शांत
  • Nepali: शान्त
  • Urdu: سکون
  • Tamil: அமைதி
  • Telugu: శాంతి
  • Arabic: هدأ
  • Chinese: 平静 (píngjìng)
  • Japanese: 鎮める (shizumeru)
  • Russian: успокоить (uspokoit’)

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