
Cambric Meaning in Bengali: ক্যাম্ব্রিক, ক্যাম্ব্রিক বস্ত্র (noun)

Definition: Cambric refers to a lightweight, plain-woven fabric made from cotton or linen. It is known for its smooth texture and is often used for making clothing, especially undergarments and handkerchiefs.

Synonyms: batiste, lawn, nainsook, muslin

Antonyms: coarse cloth (কাঠবাস্ত্র), rough fabric (কঠিন বস্ত্র)

Origin: The word “cambric” originated from the French word “Cambrai,” which is a town in northern France. It was in Cambrai that this fabric was first produced and gained popularity.

Nearby Words:

  • 1. Cotton (noun) – a soft, fluffy fiber that grows around the seeds of the cotton plant.
  • 2. Linen (noun) – a fabric made from the fibers of the flax plant, known for its coolness and durability.
  • 3. Fabric (noun) – material made through weaving, knitting, or felting, used for various purposes.
  • 4. Textile (noun) – any type of woven, knitted, or non-woven fabric.

Cambric in Literature Quotes:

  1. “She wore a cambric handkerchief, which she had embroidered herself.” – Jane Austen (সে নিজেই সুইরান করে তার ক্যাম্ব্রিক হ্যান্ডকারচিফ পরেছিলেন।)
  2. “The delicate cambric of her dress contrasted with the roughness of her surroundings.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (তার পোশাকের সুবিধাজনক ক্যাম্ব্রিক তার পরিবেশের কাঠিন্যের সাথে বিপর্যস্ত ছিল।)

Cambric Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: ক্যাম্ব্রিক
  • Hindi: कैम्ब्रिक
  • Nepali: क्याम्ब्रिक
  • Urdu: کیمبرک
  • Tamil: கம்ப்ரிக்
  • Telugu: కాంబ్రిక్
  • Arabic: كامبريك
  • Chinese: 康布鞋
  • Japanese: カンブリック
  • Russian: камбрик

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