
Camels Meaning in Bengali: উট, উটের মাংস, উটের চামড়া, উটের দুধ (noun, /ˈkæməl/)

Definition of Camels

(noun, /ˈkæməl/)

A camel is a large, long-necked ungulate mammal of the genus Camelus, found in the deserts of Africa and Asia. It is known for its distinctive hump(s) on its back and its ability to survive in harsh desert conditions. Camels are often used as pack animals and are valued for their ability to travel long distances without water.

Synonyms of Camels


  • Desert ship (মরুভূমি জাহাজ)
  • Ship of the desert (মরুভূমির জাহাজ)
  • Humpy (গম্বুজযুক্ত)
  • Dromedary (এক গম্বুজযুক্ত উট)

Antonyms of Camels


  • Water (পানি)
  • Moisture (আর্দ্রতা)
  • Hydration (জলপ্রাপ্তি)
  • Wetness (ভিজাপন)

Origin of Camels


The word “camel” originated from the Latin word “camēlus” and the Greek word “kamēlos”. The domestication of camels is believed to have occurred in the Arabian Peninsula around 3,000 BC. Camels have played a significant role in the history and culture of desert-dwelling civilizations.

Nearby Words

  • Camelback (noun)
  • Camelopard (noun)
  • Camelot (noun)
  • Camelhair (noun)

Camels in Literature Quotes

“The camel is a horse designed by a committee.” – Sir Alec Issigonis (উটটি হল একটি ঘোড়া যা একটি কমিটি দ্বারা ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে।)

“The camel’s nose is a metaphor for a situation where the permitting of a small, seemingly innocuous act will open the door for larger, clearly undesirable actions.” – Unknown (উটের নাক হল একটি মেটাফর যেখানে একটি ছোট, প্রতীক্ষায় অক্ষম ক্রিয়ার অনুমতি বড়, স্পষ্টভাবে অপরিমাণ অনুপযুক্ত ক্রিয়াগুলির জন্য দরজা খুলে দেয়।)

Camels Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: উট
  • Hindi: ऊंट
  • Nepali: ऊट
  • Urdu: اونٹ
  • Tamil: ஒட்டகம்
  • Telugu: ఒంటి
  • Arabic: جمل
  • Chinese: 骆驼
  • Japanese: ラクダ
  • Russian: верблюд

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