
Campaigners Meaning in Bengali: প্রচারকারী, প্রচারক, প্রচারকরা (noun, pronunciation: kam-peyn-erz)

Definition of Campaigners

Campaigners refer to individuals or groups who actively promote or advocate for a particular cause, idea, or goal. They engage in various activities such as organizing events, raising awareness, and lobbying to bring about change or achieve their objectives.

Synonyms of Campaigners

1. Activists (সক্রিয়তাবাদী, noun)
2. Advocates (প্রতিপাদক, noun)
3. Supporters (সমর্থক, noun)

Antonyms of Campaigners

1. Opponents (প্রতিপক্ষ, noun)
2. Critics (সমালোচক, noun)

Origin of Campaigners

The term “campaigners” originated from the word “campaign,” which comes from the French word “campagne” meaning “open country.” It was initially used in a military context to describe a series of military operations conducted in a specific area. Over time, the term expanded its meaning to encompass non-military activities, such as political or social campaigns.

Nearby Words

1. Campaign (noun)
2. Campaigning (noun)
3. Campaigner (noun)

Campaigners in Literature Quotes

1. “The best campaigners are those who understand the power of words and use them wisely.” – William Shakespeare (শেক্সপিয়ার)
2. “A true campaigner fights not for personal gain but for the greater good of society.” – Mahatma Gandhi (মহাত্মা গান্ধী)

Campaigners Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: প্রচারকারী
Hindi: प्रचारक
Nepali: प्रचारक
Urdu: پرچارک
Tamil: பிரசாரகர்கள்
Telugu: ప్రచారకులు
Arabic: المناضلون
Chinese: 倡导者
Japanese: キャンペーン活動家
Russian: активисты

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