
Campaigns এর বাংলা অর্থ হলো প্রচারণা, প্রচারণামূলক কাজ (noun, /kæmˈpeɪnz/).


Campaigns refers to a series of organized activities or efforts that are carried out to achieve a specific goal or objective. It involves strategic planning, coordination, and implementation of various actions to promote or advocate for a cause, product, or idea.


Some synonyms of campaigns include:

  • Drive – অভিযান (noun)
  • Crusade – ধর্মযুদ্ধ (noun)
  • Effort – প্রচেষ্টা (noun)
  • Mission – মিশন (noun)
  • Expedition – অভিযান (noun)


Some antonyms of campaigns include:

  • Retreat – প্রত্যাবর্তন (noun)
  • Surrender – আত্মসমর্পণ (noun)
  • Abandonment – পরিত্যাগ (noun)
  • Passivity – নিষ্ক্রিয়তা (noun)
  • Inaction – নিষ্ক্রিয়তা (noun)


The word campaigns originated from the French word “campagne” which means “open country” or “field.” It was initially used in a military context to refer to a series of military operations conducted in a specific area. Over time, the term expanded its meaning to encompass non-military activities as well.

Nearby Words

  • Campaigner – noun
  • Campaigning – noun
  • Campaignist – noun
  • Campaign trail – noun
  • Campaign headquarters – noun

Campaigns in Literature Quotes

“The best campaigns are those that connect with people on an emotional level.” – David Ogilvy (সেরা প্রচারণামূলক কাজগুলি হল সেগুলি যা মানুষের সাথে ভাবনামূলকভাবে সংযোগ করে।)

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu (অব্যবস্থায় অবস্থিত হলেও সেখানে সুযোগও আছে।)

Campaigns Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: প্রচারণা
  • Hindi: अभियान
  • Nepali: अभियान
  • Urdu: مہم
  • Tamil: பிரச்சாரம்
  • Telugu: ప్రచారాలు
  • Arabic: حملة
  • Chinese: 活动
  • Japanese: キャンペーン
  • Russian: кампания

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