Canasta Meaning in Bengali: কানাস্তা, কানাস্তা খেলা, কানাস্তা খেলার একটি প্রকার (noun, kānāstā, kānāstā khēlā, kānāstā khēlār ēkaṭi prakāra)
Definition and Part of Speech
Canasta (noun, pronounced kuh-nas-tuh) refers to a card game that originated in Uruguay and became popular in the early 20th century. It is typically played with two decks of cards and is known for its strategic gameplay and melding of cards.
Synonyms of Canasta
The synonyms of canasta include:
- Rummy (noun, রামি)
- Bridge (noun, ব্রিজ)
- Gin Rummy (noun, জিন রামি)
- Whist (noun, হুইস্ট)
Antonyms of Canasta
The antonyms of canasta include:
- Disarray (noun, বিচ্ছিন্নতা)
- Chaos (noun, অব্যবস্থা)
- Confusion (noun, বিশৃঙ্খলা)
- Disorder (noun, ব্যবস্থাহীনতা)
Origin of Canasta
The word “canasta” is derived from the Spanish word meaning “basket.” The game was invented by Segundo Santos and Alberto Serrato in Uruguay in the 1940s. It gained popularity in the United States in the 1950s and has since spread to many other countries.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to canasta include:
- Card (noun, কার্ড)
- Deck (noun, ডেক)
- Meld (verb, মেল্ড)
- Strategy (noun, কৌশল)
Canasta in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes mentioning canasta:
- “Playing canasta is like eating artichokes – it takes a lot of work to get to the heart.” – Karen Berman (কানাস্তা খেলা করা আমলটা শুধু আমলের হার্টে পৌঁছানোর জন্য অনেক কাজ লাগে।)
- “Canasta is a game that can be played by anyone, from children to grandparents.” – Unknown (কানাস্তা খেলা একটি খেলা যা কোনও ব্যক্তি খেলতে পারে, শিশু থেকে দাদা-দাদীপুত্র পর্যন্ত।)
Canasta Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the meaning of canasta in different languages:
- Bengali: কানাস্তা
- Hindi: कनास्ता
- Nepali: कनास्ता
- Urdu: کناسٹا
- Tamil: கனாஸ்தா
- Telugu: కనాస్తా
- Arabic: كاناستا
- Chinese: 卡纳斯塔
- Japanese: カナスタ
- Russian: канаста
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