
Candlelight Meaning in Bengali: দীপজ্যোতির অর্থ (noun, /dipjyoti)

Definition of Candlelight

(noun, /ˈkændəlˌlaɪt/)

Candlelight refers to the soft, flickering light produced by a candle. It is a gentle and warm illumination that creates a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

Synonyms of Candlelight


  • Glow – জ্বলন্ত আলো (noun, /ɡloʊ/)
  • Illumination – আলোকরশ্মি (noun, /ɪˌluːməˈneɪʃən/)
  • Radiance – প্রকাশ (noun, /ˈreɪdiəns/)
  • Light – আলো (noun, /laɪt/)

Antonyms of Candlelight


  • Darkness – অন্ধকার (noun, /ˈdɑːrknəs/)
  • Gloom – অন্ধকার (noun, /ɡluːm/)
  • Obscurity – অস্পষ্টতা (noun, /əbˈskjʊrəti/)
  • Blackout – বিদ্যুৎ বিচ্ছেদ (noun, /ˈblækˌaʊt/)

Origin of Candlelight

The word “candlelight” originated from the combination of the Middle English word “candel” and the Old English word “lēoht.” It has been used since the 14th century to describe the soft glow produced by a candle.

Nearby Words

  • Candle – দীপ (noun)
  • Candlestick – দীপস্তম্ভ (noun)
  • Candleholder – দীপধারী (noun)
  • Candlelit – দীপজ্যোতিত (adjective)

Candlelight in Literature Quotes

“The darkness of the room was pierced by the warm candlelight, casting a soft glow on their faces.” – Jane Austen (কমরণ্য আলোকে তাদের মুখে একটি নরম জ্বলন্ত আলো ছিল, যা ঘরের অন্ধকার ভেঙে দিত।)

“In the candlelight, their love seemed to shine brighter than ever before.” – William Shakespeare (দীপজ্যোতিতে, তাদের ভালোবাসা সাধারণের চেয়েও আরও উজ্জ্বল মনে হয়েছিল।)

Candlelight Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: দীপজ্যোতি
  • Hindi: मोमबत्ती की रौशनी
  • Nepali: मोमबत्तीको प्रकाश
  • Urdu: موم بتی کی روشنی
  • Tamil: மெழுகுவளம் ஒளி
  • Telugu: మొమ్ముల ప్రకాశం
  • Arabic: ضوء الشمعة
  • Chinese: 烛光
  • Japanese: ろうそくの明かり
  • Russian: свет свечи

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