
Candles Meaning in Bengali: মোমবাতি, দীপ (noun, pronunciation: mōmōbāti, dīpa)

Candles, a noun, refers to cylindrical pieces of wax with a wick in the middle that can be lit to provide light. Candles are commonly used for illumination, religious ceremonies, and decorative purposes. They have been an integral part of human civilization for centuries.

Synonyms of candles include “taper” (প্রদীপ, pradīpa), “torch” (টর্চ, ṭarca), and “lamp” (দীপক, dīpaka). Antonyms of candles are “darkness” (অন্ধকার, andhakāra) and “gloom” (অন্ধকার, andhakāra).

The origin of candles can be traced back to ancient Egypt and Rome, where they were made from tallow or beeswax. Over time, candles have evolved, and today, they are made from various materials such as paraffin wax, soy wax, and beeswax.

Nearby words related to candles include “wick” (noun, বাতির কাঠি, bātira kāṭhi), “flame” (noun, জ্বালা, jwālā), and “scented” (adjective, সুগন্ধিত, sugandhita).

Candles have been a popular symbol in literature, often representing hope, enlightenment, or spirituality. Some famous quotes about candles include:

1. “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” – Eleanor Roosevelt (অন্ধকারে শক্তিশালী একটি দীপ জ্বালানোর চেয়ে ভালো)

2. “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” – James Keller (একটি দীপ আরেকটি দীপ জ্বালানোর মাধ্যমে কিছুই হারায় না)

Candles Meaning in different languages:
– Bengali: মোমবাতি
– Hindi: मोमबत्ती
– Nepali: मोमबत्ती
– Urdu: موم بتی
– Tamil: மெழுகு
– Telugu: మొమ్ము
– Arabic: شمعة
– Chinese: 蜡烛
– Japanese: ろうそく
– Russian: свеча

For more information about candles, you can visit the following links:
– Wikipedia: [Candles](
– [Candles](
– The Free Dictionary: [Candles](