
Candy Meaning in Bengali: মিষ্টি, মিষ্টি খাওয়া, মিষ্টি খাওয়ার জন্য ব্যবহৃত শব্দ (noun, pronunciation: /ˈkændi/)

Definition of Candy

Candy is a noun that refers to a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate, typically in the form of small pieces or bars. It is often flavored and may contain nuts, fruits, or other ingredients. Candy is enjoyed as a treat or dessert by people of all ages.

Synonyms of Candy

1. Sweet (মিষ্টি)
2. Confectionery (মিষ্টান্ন)
3. Lolly (মিষ্টি খাওয়ার জন্য ব্যবহৃত শব্দ)
4. Bonbon (মিষ্টি খাওয়ার জন্য ব্যবহৃত শব্দ)

Antonyms of Candy

1. Bitter (তিক্ত)
2. Sour (খাটা)
3. Spicy (মসলাদার)
4. Salty (লবণময়)

Origin of Candy

The word “candy” originated from the late 13th century Middle English word “candi,” which came from Old French “sucre candi” meaning “candied sugar.” The term evolved from the Latin word “candere,” which means “to shine” or “to be white.” Candy-making has been practiced for centuries, with ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Greeks using honey to make sweet treats.

Nearby Words

1. Chocolate (noun)
2. Dessert (noun)
3. Sugar (noun)
4. Sweetener (noun)

Candy in Literature Quotes

1. “A little candy now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz (একটু মিষ্টি এখন এবং তখন কোন ক্ষতি করে না।)
2. “Candy is childhood, the best and bright moments you wish could have lasted forever.” – Dylan Lauren (মিষ্টি হল শিশুত্ব, সেই সেরা এবং উজ্জ্বল মুহূর্তগুলি যা আপনি চাইতে পারেন যে সর্বদা চলে যেতে পারে।)

Candy Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: মিষ্টি
Hindi: मिठाई
Nepali: मिठाई
Urdu: مٹھائی
Tamil: மிட்டாய்
Telugu: క్యాండీ
Arabic: حلوى
Chinese: 糖果
Japanese: キャンディ
Russian: конфета

For more information about candy, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Candy. You can also find definitions and examples on and The Free Dictionary.