cane suger

Cane Sugar Meaning in Bengali: কাঠের চিনি, বাংলাদেশে চিনি, গাচের চিনি (noun, /keɪn ˈʃʊɡər/)

Definition of Cane Sugar

Cane sugar refers to the sucrose extracted from the sugarcane plant. It is a type of sugar that is commonly used in cooking and baking due to its sweet taste and ability to enhance flavors. Cane sugar is often used as a sweetener in various food and beverage products.

Synonyms of Cane Sugar

1. Sucrose (noun, সুক্রোজ)
2. Table sugar (noun, টেবিল চিনি)
3. White sugar (noun, সাদা চিনি)

Antonyms of Cane Sugar

1. Salt (noun, লবণ)
2. Bitter (adjective, তিক্ত)
3. Sour (adjective, খাটা)

Origin of Cane Sugar

The cultivation and production of cane sugar can be traced back to ancient times. It is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia and spread to other parts of the world through trade and exploration. The sugarcane plant, from which cane sugar is derived, is native to tropical regions and is now cultivated in many countries for commercial purposes.

Nearby Words

1. Sugarcane (noun, আখের গাছ)
2. Sugar beet (noun, চিনি শস্য)
3. Sugar mill (noun, চিনি মিল)

Cane Sugar in Literature Quotes

1. “Like sugar cane, we are pressed and crushed, but we still find sweetness.” – Maya Angelou (যেমন আখের গাছ, আমরা প্রেস এবং কুচানো হয়, তবুও আমরা মিষ্টি খুঁজে পাই।)
2. “The sweetness of cane sugar lingers on my tongue, reminding me of childhood memories.” – Rabindranath Tagore (আমার জিভে আখের চিনির মিষ্টি থাকে, যা আমাকে শিশুতের স্মৃতিগুলি মনে করায়।)

Cane Sugar Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: কাঠের চিনি
Hindi: गन्ने का चीनी
Nepali: गन्ना चिनी
Urdu: گنے کی شکر
Tamil: கரும்பு சர்க்கரை
Telugu: కర్ర చక్కెర
Arabic: سكر قصب
Chinese: 甘蔗糖
Japanese: サトウキビ糖
Russian: тростниковый сахар

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