
Canella Meaning in Bengali: ক্যানেলা, দারুচিনি, দারুচিনির গাছ (noun, /kəˈnɛlə/)

Definition of Canella

(noun, /kəˈnɛlə/)

Canella refers to a type of evergreen tree or shrub that belongs to the family Canellaceae. It is native to the Caribbean and Central America. The tree is known for its aromatic bark, which is commonly used as a spice in cooking and for its medicinal properties. The bark of the canella tree is often dried and ground into a powder or used in its whole form to add flavor to various dishes.

Synonyms of Canella

(noun, /kəˈnɛlə/)

  • Cinnamon (দারুচিনি)
  • Cinnamomum (দারুচিনির গাছ)
  • Cassia (ক্যাশিয়া)
  • Spice (মসলা)

Antonyms of Canella

(noun, /kəˈnɛlə/)

  • Insipid (অরুচিকর)
  • Tasteless (স্বাদহীন)
  • Unappetizing (অপেতিত)
  • Flavorless (স্বাদহীন)

Origin of Canella

(noun, /kəˈnɛlə/)

The word “canella” is derived from the Latin word “canna,” which means “reed” or “tube.” It refers to the shape and appearance of the bark of the canella tree, which resembles a tube or cylinder. The tree has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and culinary practices in the Caribbean and Central America.

Nearby Words

  • Cane (noun) – বেত
  • Cannabis (noun) – গাঞ্জা
  • Cannon (noun) – তোপ
  • Canopy (noun) – ছাতা

Canella in Literature Quotes

“The scent of canella filled the air, transporting me back to my grandmother’s kitchen.” – Maya Angelou (ক্যানেলা এর গন্ধ আকাশ ভরে দিল, আমাকে আমার নানীর রান্নাঘরে পৌঁছালো।)”

“The canella tree stood tall and proud, its bark a testament to the richness of nature.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (ক্যানেলা গাছটি উঁচু এবং গর্বিত ছিল, এর ছাল প্রকৃতির সমৃদ্ধিতে একটি প্রমাণিত বক্তব্য।)”

Canella Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: ক্যানেলা
  • Hindi: दालचीनी
  • Nepali: दालचिनी
  • Urdu: دار چینی
  • Tamil: கருவாப்பட்டை
  • Telugu: దాల్చిన
  • Arabic: قرفة
  • Chinese: 肉桂
  • Japanese: シナモン
  • Russian: корица

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