cannon fodder

Cannon Fodder Meaning in Bengali: তোপের খাদ্য (noun, pronunciation: /ˈkænən ˈfɒdər/)

Cannon fodder refers to soldiers who are considered expendable and are sent into battle with little regard for their safety. They are seen as mere pawns in a larger military strategy, often used to distract or weaken the enemy forces.

1. Fodder (চারা, noun)
2. Sacrificial lambs (বলিদানের মেষ, noun)
3. Pawns (পদাতিগণ, noun)

1. Elite soldiers (বিশেষ সেনাবাহিনী, noun)
2. Heroes (বীর, noun)
3. Valiant warriors (বীর যোদ্ধা, noun)

The term “cannon fodder” originated in the 19th century during the Napoleonic Wars. It was used to describe soldiers who were seen as disposable and were sent to the front lines to absorb enemy fire. The term gained popularity and has since been used to refer to any group of soldiers who are considered expendable in warfare.

Nearby Words:
1. Cannon (noun) – তোপ
2. Fodder (noun) – চারা
3. Soldier (noun) – সৈনিক
4. Battle (noun) – যুদ্ধ
5. Strategy (noun) – কর্মযোগ্যতা

Cannon Fodder in Literature Quotes:
1. “War does not determine who is right – only who is left.” – Bertrand Russell (যুদ্ধ কেবল তাকে নির্ধারণ করে যে কে সঠিক – কেবল তাকে নির্ধারণ করে যে কে বাঁচে)
2. “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” – José Narosky (যুদ্ধে, কোনও অক্ষত সৈনিক নেই)

Cannon Fodder Meaning in Different Languages:
– Bengali: তোপের খাদ্য
– Hindi: तोप का चारा
– Nepali: तोपको चारा
– Urdu: توپ کا چارہ
– Tamil: துப்பாக்கி உணவு
– Telugu: క్యానన్ ఫోడర్
– Arabic: طعام المدافع
– Chinese: 炮灰
– Japanese: 大砲の飼料
– Russian: пушечное мясо

For more information, you can visit the following sources:
– Wikipedia: [link](
– [link](
– The Free Dictionary: [link](