
Canoes Meaning in Bengali: কানো, নৌকা, নৌকার একটি প্রকার (noun, kānō, naukā, naukāra ēkaṭi prakāra)

Definition and Origin of Canoes

Canoes (noun, pronounced as kəˈnuː) are narrow, lightweight boats that are typically pointed at both ends and propelled by paddles. They are designed to be used in rivers, lakes, and other calm waters. Canoes have been used by various indigenous cultures around the world for centuries, and their origin can be traced back to ancient times.

Synonyms of Canoes

1. Kayaks (noun, pronounced as ˈkaɪæk) – কায়াক

2. Pirogues (noun, pronounced as pɪˈroʊɡ) – পিরোগ

3. Dugouts (noun, pronounced as ˈdʌɡaʊt) – ডাইগাউট

Antonyms of Canoes

1. Motorboats (noun, pronounced as ˈmoʊtərˌboʊt) – মোটরবোট

2. Yachts (noun, pronounced as jɑt) – ইয়ট

3. Ships (noun, pronounced as ʃɪp) – জাহাজ

Origin and Nearby Words

The word “canoes” originated from the Spanish word “canoa,” which was derived from the Arawakan language spoken by indigenous peoples in the Caribbean. Nearby words related to canoes include:

1. Paddle (noun, pronounced as ˈpædəl) – হাতুড়ে

2. Rowboat (noun, pronounced as ˈroʊˌboʊt) – চাপুরী নৌকা

3. Raft (noun, pronounced as ræft) – পাল

Canoes in Literature Quotes

1. “A journey by canoe is a different experience than any other. It allows you to connect with nature in a unique way.” – John Muir (Bengali meaning: “কানোয় একটি যাত্রা অন্য কোনও অভিজ্ঞতার চেয়ে আলাদা। এটি আপনাকে একটি অনন্য পদ্ধতিতে প্রকৃতির সাথে সংযোগ করতে দেয়।”)

2. “The sound of the paddle hitting the water is like music to a canoeist’s ears.” – Bill Mason (Bengali meaning: “পাদল জলে আঘাত করলে কানোয় শব্দ সঙ্গীতের মতো শোনা যায়।”)

Canoes Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: কানো, Hindi: नाव, Nepali: नाव, Urdu: ناؤ, Tamil: கனோ, Telugu: కనో, Arabic: قوارب, Chinese: 独木舟, Japanese: カヌー, Russian: каноэ

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