
Capon Meaning in Bengali: মুরগির পুরুষ যার বংশবিশেষ কাটা হয়েছে (noun, /ˈkeɪpən/)

Definition of Capon

A capon is a male chicken that has been castrated before reaching sexual maturity. This process is done to improve the quality of the meat, making it more tender and flavorful. Capons are often larger and have more fat than regular chickens, making them a popular choice for roasting.

Capon Synonyms

1. Rooster (মুরগি, noun)
2. Cockerel (মুরগির ছোট পুরুষ, noun)
3. Pullet (মুরগির ছোট পুরুষ, noun)

Capon Antonyms

1. Hen (মুরগির মাদা, noun)
2. Chicken (মুরগি, noun)
3. Fowl (পাখি, noun)

Origin of Capon

The practice of caponization dates back to ancient times, with evidence of its use in ancient Greece and Rome. It was a common practice in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and capons were considered a delicacy. The word “capon” is derived from the Latin word “capo,” meaning “castrated.”

Nearby Words

1. Chicken (noun) – মুরগি
2. Rooster (noun) – মুরগি
3. Hen (noun) – মুরগির মাদা
4. Poultry (noun) – পোল্ট্রি
5. Fowl (noun) – পাখি

Capon in Literature Quotes

1. “The capon burns, and the pig falls from the spit.” – William Shakespeare (মুরগি জ্বলে যায়, এবং শূকর চুলা থেকে পড়ে।)
2. “The capon is the king of the barnyard.” – George Bernard Shaw (মুরগি খামারের রাজা।)

Capon Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: মুরগির পুরুষ যার বংশবিশেষ কাটা হয়েছে
Hindi: मुर्गा जिसका वंशज निकाल दिया गया हो
Nepali: मुर्गा जसको वंशज निकालिएको छ
Urdu: مرغی جس کا نسلی خصوصیت کاٹ دی گئی ہو
Tamil: வாழையின் ஆண் முட்டை
Telugu: కోడి పురుషుడు
Arabic: ديك مخصي
Chinese: 阉鸡
Japanese: 鶏の去勢
Russian: капон

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