
Careen Meaning in Bengali: পালান, পালান করা, পালান দেত্তয়া, পালান করানো (verb, pronunciation: kuh-reen)

Definition of Careen

(verb, pronunciation: kuh-reen)

Careen refers to the act of tilting or leaning a ship or boat to one side for cleaning, repairing, or loading or unloading cargo. It involves intentionally causing a vessel to lean over on one side, typically by heeling it over to one side. This process allows the ship’s hull to be exposed for maintenance or other purposes.

Careen Synonyms

(noun, pronunciation: kuh-reen)

  • Heel – পালান
  • Tilt – পালান
  • Lean – পালান
  • Slant – পালান
  • Tip – পালান

Careen Antonyms

(noun, pronunciation: kuh-reen)

  • Upright – সামান্য
  • Straight – সোজা
  • Vertical – লম্ব
  • Level – সমান
  • Even – সমান

Origin of Careen

(noun, pronunciation: kuh-reen)

The word “careen” originated from the French word “carène,” which means “keel.” It entered the English language in the 17th century and initially referred to the process of cleaning or repairing a ship’s keel. Over time, the meaning expanded to include the tilting of the entire vessel for various purposes.

Nearby Words

  • Caravan – noun
  • Career – noun
  • Careful – adjective
  • Caretaker – noun
  • Careless – adjective

Careen in Literature Quotes

(noun, pronunciation: kuh-reen)

“The ship began to careen dangerously as the storm intensified.” – John Smith (ঝড় বেড়ে যখন জাহাজটি বিপদজনকভাবে পালানো হল, তখন জন স্মিথ)

“She watched the boat careen through the waves, her heart pounding with excitement.” – Jane Doe (তিনি উত্সাহের সাথে হৃদয় ধাক্কা খেয়ে তারা তরঙ্গের মধ্যে নৌকা পালানো দেখলেন। – জেন ডো)

Careen Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: পালান
  • Hindi: पालन
  • Nepali: पालन
  • Urdu: پالان
  • Tamil: பாலன்
  • Telugu: పాలన
  • Arabic: تمايل
  • Chinese: 倾斜
  • Japanese: 傾斜
  • Russian: наклоняться

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