
Carelessness Meaning in Bengali: অবহেলা, অসতর্কতা, অসতর্কতার অবস্থা (noun, /kær.ləs.nəs/)

Definition of Carelessness

Carelessness is the state or quality of being careless, which means not giving enough attention or thought to what one is doing or saying. It is the lack of concern or attention to details, resulting in mistakes, accidents, or negative consequences.

Synonyms of Carelessness

1. Negligence (অবহেলা, noun)
2. Inattention (অসতর্কতা, noun)
3. Recklessness (অসতর্কতার অবস্থা, noun)

Antonyms of Carelessness

1. Carefulness (সাবধানতা, noun)
2. Diligence (পরিশ্রম, noun)
3. Attentiveness (সতর্কতা, noun)

Origin of Carelessness

The word “carelessness” originated from the Middle English word “carelesnesse,” which was derived from the Old English word “caru” meaning “sorrow” or “anxiety.” Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to refer to the lack of concern or attention.

Nearby Words

1. Careless (adjective)
2. Carelessly (adverb)
3. Carelessnesses (noun)

Carelessness in Literature Quotes

1. “A great deal of talent is lost to the world for the want of a little courage.” – Sydney Smith (একটি অপরিমিত দক্ষতা বিশ্বের জন্য হারিয়ে যায় একটি কম সাহসের অভাবের জন্য।)
2. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs (মহান কাজ করার একমাত্র উপায় হলো তা যে কাজটি আপনি ভালোবাসেন।)

Carelessness Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অবহেলা, Hindi: लापरवाही, Nepali: लापरवाही, Urdu: لاپرواہی, Tamil: வாராதம், Telugu: అనాసక్తి, Arabic: اللامبالاة, Chinese: 粗心, Japanese: 不注意, Russian: небрежность

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