Carissa carandas Meaning in Bengali: করন্দস (noun), করন্দসের (adjective)
Part of Speech: Noun (বিশেষ্য), Adjective (বিশেষণ)
Pronunciation: kuh-ris-uh kuh-ran-duhs
Definition of Carissa carandas
Carissa carandas, commonly known as karonda or Bengal currant, is a species of flowering shrub in the dogbane family. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and is widely cultivated for its edible fruits. The plant has small, white, fragrant flowers and produces small, round, red berries that are tart and acidic in taste.
Synonyms of Carissa carandas
1. Bengal currant (বেঙ্গল করন্দস) – Noun
2. Karonda (করন্দস) – Noun
3. Christ’s thorn (খ্রীষ্টের কাঁটা) – Noun
Antonyms of Carissa carandas
1. Sweet (মিষ্টি) – Adjective
2. Delicious (সুস্বাদু) – Adjective
3. Tasty (স্বাদযুক্ত) – Adjective
Origin of Carissa carandas
The name “carissa” is derived from the Arabic word “karasa,” which means “thorn.” The species name “carandas” is derived from the Sanskrit word “karanda,” which refers to a type of berry. Carissa carandas is believed to have originated in the Indian subcontinent and is widely distributed in countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
Nearby Words
1. Carissa (noun) – করন্দসের গাছ
2. Caraway (noun) – শাহজিরা
3. Carapace (noun) – কবচ
Carissa carandas in Literature Quotes
1. “The karonda bush bloomed with white flowers, and the berries turned red, ripe for picking.” – Ruskin Bond (করন্দসের গাছ সাদা ফুল দিয়ে প্রসন্ন হয়েছিল এবং বেরি লাল হয়ে গেছিল, এটি চুনতের জন্য পরিপূর্ণ হয়েছিল।)
2. “The karonda berries added a tangy flavor to the dish.” – Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (করন্দসের বেরি খাবারে একটি তীক্ষ্ণ স্বাদ যোগ করেছিল।)
Carissa carandas Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: করন্দস
Hindi: करौंदा
Nepali: करौंदा
Urdu: کروندا
Tamil: கருவாந்தை
Telugu: కరోండ
Arabic: كاريسا كارانداس
Chinese: 卡里萨卡兰达斯
Japanese: カリッサカランダス
Russian: Карисса карандас
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