
Carminative Meaning in Bengali: পাচকবিশেষ (pachakbishes), পাচকবিশেষক (pachakbishesok), পাচকবিশেষকারী (pachakbishesokari), পাচকবিশেষকর্মী (pachakbishesokormi)

Part of Speech: Noun (বিশেষ্য, bishesyo)

Pronunciation: kahr-muh-ney-tiv


A carminative is a substance that helps to relieve flatulence and promote the expulsion of gas from the digestive system. It is often used to alleviate symptoms such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, and belching.


– Antiflatulent (পাচকবিশেষ নাশক, pachakbishes nashok)

– Antigas (পাচকবিশেষ নাশক, pachakbishes nashok)

– Carminatory (পাচকবিশেষ নাশক, pachakbishes nashok)


– Flatulent (পাচকবিশেষ, pachakbishes)

– Gassy (পাচকবিশেষ, pachakbishes)

– Windy (পাচকবিশেষ, pachakbishes)


The word “carminative” originated from the Latin word “carminare,” which means “to card wool.” This is because the action of a carminative is similar to the process of carding wool, which involves separating and removing impurities. The term was first used in the 17th century to describe substances that relieve flatulence.

Nearby Words:

– Digestive (Noun, পাচকবিশেষ, pachakbishes)

– Bloating (Noun, পাচকবিশেষ, pachakbishes)

– Abdominal (Adjective, পাচকবিশেষ, pachakbishes)

– Discomfort (Noun, অসুবিধা, asubidha)

Carminative in Literature Quotes:

“The carminative properties of fennel seeds are often praised in traditional medicine.” – Anonymous (ফেনেল বীজের পাচকবিশেষ গুণগত মান সাধারণত প্রশংসিত হয় প্রথাগত চিকিৎসায়।)

“The herbal tea had a carminative effect, soothing the stomach and relieving gas.” – Jane Austen (ঔষধি চা পাচকবিশেষ প্রভাব ছিল, পেট শান্ত করে এবং গ্যাস দূর করে।)

Carminative Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: পাচকবিশেষ (pachakbishes)

– Hindi: पाचकविशेष (pācakviśeṣ)

– Nepali: पाचकविशेष (pācakviśeṣ)

– Urdu: پاککوویشیش (pākko viśiś)

– Tamil: பசியைக்குறிப்பான (pasiyaikkurippāṉ)

– Telugu: పచ్చకవిశేషం (pacchakaviśēṣaṁ)

– Arabic: مسهل الغاز (mushil alghaz)

– Chinese: 胃气药 (wèi qì yào)

– Japanese: 消風薬 (shōfūyaku)

– Russian: карминатив (karminativ)

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