
Bengali Meanings of Carmine: কারমাইন, লাল রঙের এক ধরনের রং, কৃষ্ণলাল রঙের এক ধরনের রং (noun)

Part of Speech & Pronunciation: Carmine (noun) /ˈkɑːrmaɪn/

Definition of Carmine

Carmine is a noun that refers to a vivid red color, often used as a dye or pigment. It is derived from the cochineal insect, which is crushed to extract the red dye.

Carmine Synonyms

  • Red (লাল)
  • Scarlet (লালচে)
  • Crimson (কৃষ্ণলাল)
  • Ruby (রুবি)
  • Burgundy (বারগান্ডি)

Carmine Antonyms

  • White (সাদা)
  • Black (কালো)
  • Blue (নীল)
  • Green (সবুজ)
  • Yellow (হলুদ)

Origin of Carmine: The word “carmine” originated from the French word “carmin,” which came from the Medieval Latin word “carmenium.” It ultimately traces back to the Arabic word “qirmiz,” meaning “crimson.”

Nearby Words

  • Carmine Lake (noun)
  • Carmine Bee-eater (noun)
  • Carmine Finch (noun)
  • Carmine Shiner (noun)
  • Carmine Spider Mite (noun)

Carmine in Literature Quotes

  • “The carmine of your lips is as enticing as a blooming rose.” – John Keats (আপনার ঠোঁটের কারমাইন একটি প্রকাশ্য হলো যেমন একটি ফুলমালা ফুটে উঠছে।)
  • “Her dress was a vibrant carmine, catching everyone’s attention in the room.” – Jane Austen (তার পোশাকটি একটি জীবন্ত কারমাইন, যা কক্ষের সবার মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ করছে।)

Carmine Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: কারমাইন
  • Hindi: लाल रंग
  • Nepali: कार्मिन
  • Urdu: لال رنگ
  • Tamil: கார்மின்
  • Telugu: కార్మైన్
  • Arabic: القرمز
  • Chinese: 胭脂
  • Japanese: カーマイン
  • Russian: кармин

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