
Carnages Meaning in Bengali: নরকঘাত, হত্যাকাণ্ড (noun, pronunciation: kahr-nij-iz)

Definition of Carnages

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-nij-iz)

Carnages refer to the widespread and brutal killing of a large number of people or animals, typically resulting in a scene of great bloodshed and destruction.

Synonyms of Carnages

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-nij-iz)

  • Massacre – নরকঘাত (pronunciation: mæs-uh-ker)
  • Slaughter – হত্যাকাণ্ড (pronunciation: slaw-ter)
  • Butchery – হত্যাকাণ্ড (pronunciation: booch-uh-ree)
  • Bloodbath – রক্তপাত (pronunciation: bluhd-bath)
  • Rampage – হত্যাকাণ্ড (pronunciation: ram-peyj)

Antonyms of Carnages

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-nij-iz)

  • Peace – শান্তি (pronunciation: pees)
  • Harmony – সমন্বয় (pronunciation: hahr-muh-nee)
  • Tranquility – শান্তিপূর্ণতা (pronunciation: trang-kwil-i-tee)
  • Order – ব্যবস্থা (pronunciation: awr-der)
  • Reconciliation – মিলন (pronunciation: rek-uh n-sil-ee-ey-shuhn)

Origin of Carnages

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-nij-iz)

The word “carnages” originated from the Latin word “carnāticum,” meaning slaughter or killing. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words

  • Carnage (noun) – নরকঘাত (pronunciation: kahr-nij)
  • Carnal (adjective) – ভৌতিক (pronunciation: kahr-nl)
  • Carnivorous (adjective) – মাংসাহারী (pronunciation: kahr-nuh-vawr-uhs)
  • Carnival (noun) – মেলা (pronunciation: kahr-nuh-vuhl)
  • Carnelian (noun) – কর্ণেলিয়ান (pronunciation: kahr-neel-yuhn)

Carnages in Literature Quotes

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.” – Bertrand Russell (যুদ্ধ কেবল তাকে নির্ধারণ করে না যে কে সঠিক, কেবল তাকে নির্ধারণ করে যে কে বাঁচে।)

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu (অব্যবস্থায় অবস্থিত হলেও সেখানে সুযোগও আছে।)

Carnages Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: নরকঘাত
  • Hindi: नरसंहार
  • Nepali: नरसंहार
  • Urdu: نرسنہار
  • Tamil: படுக்கைகள்
  • Telugu: నరకం
  • Arabic: مجازر
  • Chinese: 大屠杀
  • Japanese: 大虐殺
  • Russian: кровопролитие

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