
Carrier Meaning in Bengali: বাহক, বাহন, বাহকদের সম্প্রদায়, বাহকদের পরিবার, বাহকদের সমাজ (noun, pronunciation: kæriər)

Definition of Carrier

Carrier is a noun that refers to a person or thing that carries, transports, or delivers something. It can also mean a company or organization that provides transportation services. In the context of genetics, a carrier is an individual who possesses a gene for a particular trait or disease but does not display any symptoms.

Synonyms of Carrier

Some synonyms of carrier include conveyer, transporter, courier, messenger, hauler, and deliverer.

Antonyms of Carrier

Antonyms of carrier include receiver (গ্রাহক), recipient (প্রাপক), and addressee (প্রাপ্তি কর্তা).

Origin of Carrier

The word “carrier” originated from the Old North French word “carier,” which means “to carry.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Nearby Words

  • Carriage (noun) – বাহন, বাহকদের সম্প্রদায়
  • Carry (verb) – বাহিত করা, নেওয়া, চালিয়ে যাওয়া
  • Carry-on (noun) – বাহিত করা, নেওয়া, চালিয়ে যাওয়া
  • Carrier pigeon (noun) – বাহক কবুতর

Carrier in Literature Quotes

“A mother is the carrier of her child’s soul.” – John Dryden (একটি মা তার সন্তানের আত্মার বাহক।)

“Books are the carriers of civilization.” – Barbara W. Tuchman (বইগুলি সভ্যতার বাহক।)

Carrier Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বাহক
  • Hindi: वाहक
  • Nepali: वाहक
  • Urdu: بردار
  • Tamil: கட்டுப்பாட்டாளர்
  • Telugu: కరీఅర్
  • Arabic: حامل
  • Chinese: 运营商
  • Japanese: キャリア
  • Russian: перевозчик

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Carrier. You can also check out the definitions of carrier on and The Free Dictionary.