carrier pigeon

Carrier Pigeon Meaning in Bengali

Carrier Pigeon meaning in Bengali can be translated into several words, including বাহক কবুতর (bahok kobutor), বাহক পাখি (bahok pakhi), বাহক ঘুঘু (bahok ghughu), বাহক পতঙ্গ (bahok potong).

Part of speech: Noun (বিশেষ্য)

Pronunciation: /ˈkær.i.ər ˈpɪdʒ.ən/

Definition of Carrier Pigeon

A carrier pigeon is a type of pigeon that is trained to carry messages over long distances. These birds have a remarkable ability to find their way back home from unfamiliar locations. They were widely used as a means of communication before the invention of telephones and the internet.

Carrier Pigeon Synonyms

1. Messenger pigeon (বার্তা পাঠানো কবুতর) – Noun

2. Homing pigeon (ঘরে ফিরে আসার কবুতর) – Noun

3. Racing pigeon (দৌড়ের কবুতর) – Noun

4. Dispatch pigeon (পাঠানো কবুতর) – Noun

Carrier Pigeon Antonyms

1. Stationary pigeon (অবস্থিত কবুতর) – Noun

2. Non-flying pigeon (উড়ান না যাওয়া কবুতর) – Noun

3. Non-migratory pigeon (অবস্থানিক কবুতর) – Noun

4. Sedentary pigeon (অবস্থানশীল কবুতর) – Noun

Origin of Carrier Pigeon

The carrier pigeon is believed to have originated from the wild rock pigeon (Columba livia) found in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. These birds were domesticated and selectively bred for their homing instincts and ability to carry messages. They have been used for communication purposes since ancient times.

Nearby Words

1. Carrier – Noun (বাহক)

2. Pigeon – Noun (পাখি)

3. Message – Noun (বার্তা)

4. Communication – Noun (যোগাযোগ)

Carrier Pigeon in Literature Quotes

1. “The carrier pigeon is a symbol of hope, delivering messages of love across the distance.” – Jane Austen (বাহক কবুতরটি আশার প্রতীক, ভালোবাসার বার্তা দূরত্বের মাধ্যমে প্রেরণ করে।)

2. “In the world of instant messaging, the carrier pigeon reminds us of the beauty of patience and anticipation.” – J.K. Rowling (তাত্ক্ষণিক বার্তা প্রেরণের বিশ্বে, বাহক কবুতর আমাদেরকে ধৈর্য ও অপেক্ষার সৌন্দর্য মনে করায়।)

Carrier Pigeon Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাহক কবুতর

Hindi: बहुमत कबूतर

Nepali: बहुमत कबूतर

Urdu: بہمت کبوتر

Tamil: பயன்படுத்தும் புறா

Telugu: క్యారియర్ పిజన్

Arabic: حمام الناقل

Chinese: 运鸽

Japanese: キャリアピジョン

Russian: голубь-почтовик

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