Carto grapher Meaning in Bengali: মানচিত্রকার (noun, mānacitrakāra), মানচিত্রিক (adjective, mānacitrika), মানচিত্রকারী (noun, mānacitrakārī)
Definition and Part of Speech
Carto grapher (noun, kahr-tuh-gruh-fer) refers to a person who creates or draws maps, typically using specialized software and tools. They are skilled in interpreting geographical data and transforming it into visual representations.
Synonyms of Carto grapher
1. Mapmaker (noun, māpmeikāra)
2. Geographer (noun, jīyāgrāphara)
3. Topographer (noun, tāpogāphara)
4. Surveyor (noun, sārvēyara)
Antonyms of Carto grapher
1. Map User (noun, māp yūjāra)
2. Map Reader (noun, māp rīdāra)
3. Map Consumer (noun, māp kānśūmāra)
4. Map Viewer (noun, māp vyūjāra)
Origin of Carto grapher
The term “carto grapher” originated from the combination of two words: “carto” derived from the Greek word “khartēs” meaning “papyrus” or “paper,” and “grapher” derived from the Greek word “graphein” meaning “to write” or “to draw.” The word was first recorded in English in the early 19th century.
Nearby Words
1. Cartography (noun, kahr-tog-ruh-fee)
2. Cartogram (noun, kahr-tuh-gram)
3. Cartographic (adjective, kahr-tuh-graf-ik)
4. Cartographic Projection (noun, kahr-tuh-graf-ik pruh-jek-shun)
Carto grapher in Literature Quotes
1. “Maps are a way of organizing wonder.” – Kenneth Field (মানচিত্রগুলি আশ্চর্য সংগ্রহ করার একটি উপায়। – কেনেথ ফিল্ড)
2. “A map does not just chart, it unlocks and formulates meaning.” – Peter Turchi (একটি মানচিত্র শুধুমাত্র চার্ট করে না, এটি অন্যান্যের অর্থ উন্মোচন এবং সৃষ্টি করে। – পিটার টারচি)
Carto grapher Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: মানচিত্রকার
Hindi: मानचित्रकार
Nepali: मानचित्रकार
Urdu: مانچترکار
Tamil: வரைபடக்காரர்
Telugu: మ్యాప్ రచయిత
Arabic: رسام الخرائط
Chinese: 制图师
Japanese: 地図製作者
Russian: картограф
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