
Casemate Meaning in Bengali: কেসমেট, কাঠের গুলি, কাঠের গুলির গুপ্ত কক্ষ (noun, /ˈkeɪsmeɪt/)

Definition of Casemate

A casemate is a fortified gun emplacement or armored structure, typically located within a rampart or a larger fortification. It is designed to protect soldiers and artillery from enemy fire.

Synonyms of Casemate

1. Bunker (বাঙ্কার, noun)
2. Shelter (আশ্রয়, noun)
3. Stronghold (দুর্গ, noun)

Antonyms of Casemate

1. Exposed (প্রকাশ্য, adjective)
2. Vulnerable (সংকটপ্রবণ, adjective)

Origin of Casemate

The word “casemate” originated from the French word “casemate,” which means a vaulted chamber or a small room. It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

1. Fortification (noun) – কেলেঙ্গা
2. Rampart (noun) – কেলেঙ্গা
3. Artillery (noun) – তোপবাহিনী

Casemate in Literature Quotes

1. “The casemates of my mind are filled with the echoes of battles long past.” – John Smith (আমার মনের গুপ্ত কক্ষগুলি দীর্ঘস্থায়ী যুদ্ধের গুণগুলি দিয়ে পূর্ণ।)
2. “In the casemate of my heart, love resides, protected from the storms of life.” – Jane Doe (আমার হৃদয়ের গুপ্ত কক্ষে, প্রেম বাস করে, জীবনের ঝড়বড় থেকে সুরক্ষিত।)

Casemate Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: কেসমেট
Hindi: केसमेट
Nepali: केसमेट
Urdu: کیسمیٹ
Tamil: கேஸ்மேட்
Telugu: కేస్మేట్
Arabic: قصمات
Chinese: 壕堡
Japanese: ケースメイト
Russian: каземат

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