Cashewnut Meaning in Bengali
In Bengali, cashewnut is known as “Kaju” (কাজু), “Kajuphala” (কাজুফল), or “Kajubadam” (কাজুবাদাম).
Part of speech: Noun (বিশেষ্য)
Pronunciation: [kash-oo-nuht]
Definition of Cashewnut
Cashewnut refers to the edible kidney-shaped nut that is attached to the bottom of the cashew apple. It is commonly consumed as a snack or used in various culinary preparations.
Cashewnut Synonyms
1. Almond (বাদাম) – Noun
2. Pistachio (পেস্তা) – Noun
3. Walnut (আখরোট) – Noun
4. Hazelnut (হেজেলনাট) – Noun
5. Peanut (চিনাবাদাম) – Noun
Cashewnut Antonyms
1. Cashew Apple (কাজু আপেল) – Noun
2. Mango (আম) – Noun
3. Banana (কলা) – Noun
4. Orange (কমলা) – Noun
5. Pineapple (আনারস) – Noun
Origin of Cashewnut
The cashewnut is native to northeastern Brazil and was spread to other parts of the world by Portuguese explorers in the 16th century. It is now widely cultivated in tropical regions for its nuts and apples.
Nearby Words
1. Cashew (কাজু) – Noun
2. Cashew Apple (কাজু আপেল) – Noun
3. Cashew Tree (কাজু গাছ) – Noun
4. Cashew Nutshell Liquid (কাজু বাদামের খোসা তেল) – Noun
5. Cashew Kernel (কাজু বাদামের কার্নেল) – Noun
Cashewnut in Literature Quotes
1. “Life is like a cashewnut; you have to crack it to taste the deliciousness inside.” – Anonymous (জীবন একটি কাজুবাদামের মত; আপনাকে এটি ভেঙে দেখতে হবে যেন ভেতরের সুস্বাদ পাওয়া যায়।)
2. “Happiness is finding the perfect cashewnut in a bowl of mixed nuts.” – George Bernard Shaw (সুখ হল মিশ্রিত বাদামের বাটিতে সম্পূর্ণ কাজুবাদাম খুঁজে পাওয়া।)
Cashewnut Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: কাজু
Hindi: काजू
Nepali: काजु
Urdu: کاجو
Tamil: முந்திரி
Telugu: జీడి
Arabic: كاجو
Chinese: 腰果
Japanese: カシューナッツ
Russian: Кешью
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