Cassava Meaning in Bengali: শিমলা, শিমলার গাছ (noun, /ʃɪˈmɑːlə/)
Definition of Cassava
Cassava is a noun that refers to a tropical plant with starchy roots, which are used to make flour and tapioca. It is also known as manioc or yuca. The scientific name for cassava is Manihot esculenta.
Synonyms of Cassava
1. Tapioca (noun, সাবুদানা)
2. Manioc (noun, মানিয়ক)
3. Yuca (noun, ইউকা)
Antonyms of Cassava
1. Rice (noun, চাল)
2. Wheat (noun, গম)
3. Corn (noun, ভুট্টা)
Origin of Cassava
The word “cassava” originated from the Taino word “kasává” in the Caribbean. It was then adopted by the Portuguese as “mandioca” and spread to other languages.
Nearby Words
1. Tapioca (noun, সাবুদানা)
2. Manioc (noun, মানিয়ক)
3. Yuca (noun, ইউকা)
4. Flour (noun, ময়দা)
5. Starch (noun, আঁচার)
Cassava in Literature Quotes
1. “Cassava is the staple food of millions of people around the world.” – Anonymous (শিমলা বিশ্বের অনেক মানুষের মুখ্য খাদ্য।)
2. “The cassava plant is a symbol of resilience and adaptability.” – Paulo Coelho (শিমলা গাছটি সহনশীলতা এবং অভিযান্ত্রিকতার প্রতীক।)
Cassava Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: শিমলা
Hindi: संगमरमर
Nepali: सिमला
Urdu: سمندری
Tamil: சமுத்திரம்
Telugu: సముద్రం
Arabic: البحر
Chinese: 海洋
Japanese: 海
Russian: море
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