
Castdown Meaning in Bengali: নিমজ্জিত (noun, pronunciation: nimjito)

Definition and Part of Speech

Castdown is a noun that refers to a state of being depressed, dejected, or humiliated. It is pronounced as “kast-doun”.

Synonyms of Castdown

Some synonyms of castdown are:

  • Depressed – বিষণ্ণ (adjective)
  • Dejected – নিমজ্জিত (adjective)
  • Humiliated – অবমানিত (adjective)
  • Downcast – নিমজ্জিত (adjective)

Antonyms of Castdown

Some antonyms of castdown are:

  • Elated – আনন্দিত (adjective)
  • Exalted – উচ্চস্থ (adjective)
  • Proud – গর্বিত (adjective)
  • Confident – আত্মবিশ্বাসী (adjective)

Origin of Castdown

The word castdown originated from the combination of the words “cast” and “down”. It can be traced back to Middle English and Old English.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to castdown are:

  • Castaway – noun
  • Castanets – noun
  • Castigate – verb
  • Castigation – noun

Castdown in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word castdown:

  • “She walked with her head down, her eyes castdown, and her heart heavy with sorrow.” – Charles Dickens (তিনি তাঁর মাথা নিচে রেখে হেঁটে যান, তাঁর চোখ নিমজ্জিত এবং তাঁর হৃদয় দুঃখে ভারী।)
  • “In his castdown state, he found solace in the arms of his loved ones.” – Jane Austen (তাঁর নিমজ্জিত অবস্থায়, তিনি তাঁর প্রিয়জনের আচ্ছাদিত বাঁহুগুলিতে সান্ত্বনা পেয়েছিলেন।)

Castdown Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of castdown in different languages are:

  • Bengali: নিমজ্জিত
  • Hindi: निम्न
  • Nepali: निम्न
  • Urdu: نیچے
  • Tamil: குறைந்துவிட்டது
  • Telugu: పడుపుగా
  • Arabic: محطم
  • Chinese: 被打倒
  • Japanese: 打ちのめされた
  • Russian: униженный

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