caste system

Caste System Meaning in Bengali: জাতি ব্যবস্থা (noun, /jati byabostha/), জাতি পদ্ধতি (noun, /jati pôddhoti/), জাতি বিভাজন (noun, /jati bibhajan/)

Definition of Caste System

(noun, /kæst ˈsɪstəm/)

The caste system refers to a social structure that divides society into different hierarchical groups based on birth, occupation, and social status. It is a system prevalent in certain societies, particularly in South Asia, where individuals are born into a specific caste and remain in that caste for their entire lives.

Caste System Synonyms

  • Class System: শ্রেণী ব্যবস্থা (noun, /shreni byabostha/)
  • Social Hierarchy: সামাজিক পর্যায়বৃত্তি (noun, /samajik pôrjāyobritti/)
  • Stratification: স্তরবন্ধন (noun, /stôrbôndhon/)
  • Division: বিভাজন (noun, /bibhajan/)

Antonyms of Caste System

  • Egalitarianism: সমানতা (noun, /shômanta/)
  • Equality: সমতা (noun, /shômota/)
  • Meritocracy: যোগ্যতা ব্যবস্থা (noun, /jogjôta byabostha/)
  • Equal Opportunity: সমান সুযোগ (noun, /shômān suyog/)

Origin of Caste System

The caste system has its roots in ancient Indian society, dating back thousands of years. It developed as a means of social organization and division of labor. The system was initially based on occupation, with different castes assigned specific tasks and responsibilities. Over time, the caste system became hereditary, and individuals were born into their respective castes, with limited mobility between them.

Nearby Words

  • Caste: জাতি (noun)
  • Hierarchy: পর্যায়বৃত্তি (noun)
  • Discrimination: প্রতিবেদন (noun)
  • Untouchability: অস্পৃশ্যতা (noun)

Caste System in Literature Quotes

“The caste system is not merely a division of labor; it is also a division of power.” – B. R. Ambedkar

(জাতি ব্যবস্থা কেবলমাত্র শ্রমের বিভাজন নয়; এটি শক্তির বিভাজনও।)

“Caste is a social evil that is prevalent in our society.” – Mahatma Gandhi

(জাতি আমাদের সমাজে প্রচলিত একটি সামাজিক দুষ্টু)

Caste System Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: জাতি ব্যবস্থা
  • Hindi: जाति प्रणाली
  • Nepali: जाति प्रणाली
  • Urdu: ذاتی نظام
  • Tamil: ஜாதி முறை
  • Telugu: జాతి వ్యవస్థ
  • Arabic: نظام الطبقات
  • Chinese: 种姓制度
  • Japanese: カースト制度
  • Russian: кастовая система

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