Complacence Meaning in Bengali: আত্মসন্তুষ্টি, সন্তুষ্টি, আত্মতৃপ্তি (noun, pronunciation: kuhm-pley-suhns)
Definition: Complacence refers to a feeling of satisfaction or contentment with oneself or one’s achievements, often accompanied by a lack of motivation to improve or change. It is a state of self-satisfaction that can lead to a lack of ambition or complacency.
Synonyms for complacence include self-satisfaction, contentment, smugness, satisfaction, and gratification. For more, you can find the meaning of self-satisfaction in Bengali here, contentment in Bengali here, smugness in Bengali here, satisfaction in Bengali here, and gratification in Bengali here.
Antonyms for complacence include dissatisfaction, discontentment, restlessness, ambition, and drive. The Bengali meanings of these antonyms are অতৃপ্তি, অসন্তুষ্টি, অশান্তি, লক্ষ্যবদ্ধতা, and প্রবৃত্তি respectively.
The origin of the word “complacence” can be traced back to the Latin word “complacentia,” meaning “satisfaction.” It entered the English language in the 17th century.
Nearby words related to complacence include complacency (noun), complacent (adjective), complacently (adverb), and complacently (adjective).
In literature, complacence is often portrayed as a negative trait. As Oscar Wilde once said, “Complacency is the enemy of progress.” (আত্মসন্তুষ্টি অগ্রগতির শত্রু) Another famous quote by George Bernard Shaw states, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” (পরিবর্তন ছাড়াই অগ্রগতি অসম্ভব, এবং যারা তাদের মন পরিবর্তন করতে পারে না তারা কিছুই পরিবর্তন করতে পারে না)
Complacence Meaning in different languages:
- Bengali: আত্মসন্তুষ্টি
- Hindi: संतुष्टि
- Nepali: तृप्ति
- Urdu: تسلی
- Tamil: மனதிருத்தம்
- Telugu: ఆత్మసంతృప్తి
- Arabic: الرضا
- Chinese: 自满
- Japanese: 自己満足
- Russian: самодовольство
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