
Bustles Meaning in Bengali: বিপুলতা, গতিবিধান, গতিবেগ (noun)

Definition: Bustles (noun) refers to a state of being busy, noisy, or full of activity. It can also mean a framework worn under a skirt to puff it out at the back.

Synonyms: hustle and bustle, commotion, activity, agitation, flurry

Antonyms: calmness (শান্তি), tranquility (শান্তি), stillness (শান্তি)

Origin: The word “bustles” originated from the Middle English word “bustelen” which means to hurry. It was first recorded in the late 18th century.

Nearby Words:

  • Busy (adjective)
  • Noisy (adjective)
  • Activity (noun)
  • Agitation (noun)
  • Flurry (noun)

Bustles in Literature Quotes:

“The city bustles with life, its streets filled with the sounds of vendors and the laughter of children.” – Jane Austen (শহরটি জীবনের বিপুলতা দিয়ে ভরা, তার রাস্তাগুলি বিক্রেতাদের শব্দ এবং শিশুদের হাসি দিয়ে পূর্ণ।)

“In the bustling market, she found solace amidst the chaos.” – Leo Tolstoy (বিপুল বাজারে, তিনি অব্যাহতির মধ্যে শান্তি পেয়েছিলেন।)

Bustles Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: বিপুলতা
  • Hindi: गतिविधि
  • Nepali: गतिविधि
  • Urdu: ہنگامہ
  • Tamil: செயல்பாடுகள்
  • Telugu: గతివిధులు
  • Arabic: صخب
  • Chinese: 忙碌 (mánglù)
  • Japanese: 忙しさ (isogashisa)
  • Russian: суета (sueta)

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