butter up

Bengali Meanings of “Butter Up”: মসৃণ করা, মসৃণ করে বলা, মসৃণ করে প্রশংসা করা

Part of Speech & Pronunciation:

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /ˈbʌtər ʌp/

Definition of Butter Up:

Butter up means to flatter or praise someone excessively, often with the intention of gaining favor or getting something in return.

Synonyms of Butter Up:

1. Flatter (মসৃণ করা)
2. Sweet-talk (মধুর ভাষা ব্যবহার করা)
3. Brown-nose (মসৃণ করে প্রশংসা করা)
4. Suck up to (মসৃণ করা)

Antonyms of Butter Up:

1. Insult (অপমান করা)
2. Criticize (সমালোচনা করা)
3. Offend (অপমান করা)
4. Disparage (অপমান করা)

Origin of Butter Up:

The phrase “butter up” originated in the early 19th century and is derived from the act of spreading butter on bread to make it more palatable. In a similar manner, people would “butter up” others to make themselves more likable or to gain their favor.

Nearby Words:

1. Butter (Noun)
2. Butter (Verb)
3. Butterball (Noun)
4. Buttercream (Noun)

Butter Up in Literature Quotes:

1. “He tried to butter up his boss by complimenting his tie.” – John Smith (সে তার বসকে তার টাই প্রশংসা করে মসৃণ করার চেষ্টা করলেন।)
2. “She buttered up her in-laws with homemade cookies.” – Jane Doe (সে নিজের শাদিবাড়িকে নিজের তৈরি কুকিজ দিয়ে তার শ্বশুর-শাশুড়িকে মসৃণ করে বললেন।)

Butter Up Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: মসৃণ করা
Hindi: चापलूसी करना
Nepali: मक्खन लगाउनु
Urdu: مکھن لگانا
Tamil: வெண்ணெய் பூச்சி
Telugu: నెయ్యి పెట్టుకోండి
Arabic: تمليس
Chinese: 奉承
Japanese: お世辞を言う
Russian: льстить

For more information, you can visit the following links:

1. Wikipedia.org

2. Dictionary.com

3. TheFreeDictionary.com