Butt End Meaning in Bengali: পিছনের অংশ, পিছনের দিক, পিছনের অংশের শেষ, পিছনের অংশের শেষ অংশ (noun, pronunciation: buht end)
Definition of Butt End
Butt end refers to the rear or posterior part of something. It is the opposite end of the front or head of an object or entity. The term is commonly used to describe the final or concluding part of an object or a particular area.
Synonyms of Butt End
The synonyms of butt end include rear end, tail end, hind part, backside, posterior, and behind. (Bengali: পিছনের অংশের প্রতিষ্ঠান, পিছনের অংশ, পিছনের অংশ, পিছনের অংশ, পিছনের অংশ, পিছনের অংশ, পিছনের অংশ)
Antonyms of Butt End
The antonyms of butt end include front end, head, beginning, start, and forepart. (Bengali: সামনের অংশ, মাথার অংশ, শুরু, শুরু, সামনের অংশ)
Origin of Butt End
The origin of the term butt end is uncertain. It is believed to have originated from the Middle English word “butte,” meaning the end or extremity of something. Over time, the term evolved to specifically refer to the rear or posterior part of an object.
Nearby Words
- Butt (noun) – the end or extremity of something.
- End (noun) – the final part or conclusion of something.
- Posterior (noun) – the rear or hind part of something.
- Rear (noun) – the back or hindmost part of something.
Butt End in Literature Quotes
- “The butt end of a rifle is often more dangerous than the muzzle.” – Ernest Hemingway (Bengali: রাইফেলের পিছনের অংশটি মুজলের চেয়ে অধিক বিপজ্জনক হয়।)
- “Every story has an ending, but in life, every ending is just a new beginning.” – Uknown (Bengali: প্রতিটি গল্পের শেষ হয়, কিন্তু জীবনে প্রতিটি শেষ শুধুমাত্র একটি নতুন শুরু।)
Butt End Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: পিছনের অংশ
- Hindi: पिछला हिस्सा
- Nepali: पछाडीको अन्श
- Urdu: پچھواڑے کا حصہ
- Tamil: பின்னால் முடிவு
- Telugu: తలపై చివరి
- Arabic: الجزء الخلفي
- Chinese: 尾端
- Japanese: おしりの終わり
- Russian: задний конец
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