compensatory allowance

Compensatory allowance meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপূরক ভাতা, প্রতিপূরক ভাতা (noun, pronunciation: kom-pen-suh-tawr-ee uh-louns) Definition of Compensatory Allowance A compensatory allowance refers to a financial benefit or payment provided to an individual as compensation for a loss, inconvenience, or additional expenses incurred due to specific circumstances or conditions. Synonyms of Compensatory Allowance Recompense – পূর্বপরিশোধ (for … Read more


Compensatory Meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপাদক, প্রতিপাদকতা, প্রতিপাদনকারী (noun, adjective, verb, pro-tipa-dok, pro-tipa-dok-ta, pro-tipa-don-kari) Definition: Compensatory refers to something that serves as a substitute or makes up for a loss or deficiency. It can also mean providing or receiving compensation or reparation for a loss or injury. Synonyms for Compensatory: 1. Restorative – পুনরুদ্ধারক (punoruddharko) [Restorative … Read more


Compensator meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপাদক, সমন্বয়কারী (noun, pronunciation: kom-pen-sey-ter) A compensator is a noun that refers to a device or mechanism that helps to maintain balance or equalize something. It is used to offset or counterbalance any changes or variations in a system. A compensator is designed to provide stability and ensure that the desired … Read more


Compensative Meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপাদনকারী, প্রতিপাদনকারীত্ব (noun, pronunciation: kom-pen-sey-tiv) Definition: Compensative refers to something that provides compensation or makes up for a loss or deficiency. It is an adjective that describes the act of compensating or the quality of being compensatory. Synonyms of Compensative: 1. Restorative – পুনরুদ্ধারক (noun, for more – restorative meaning in … Read more


Compensations Meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপাদন (noun, prôtipādan), প্রতিপাদনসমূহ (noun, prôtipādan-sômūh) Definition: Compensations refer to the act of giving or receiving something in return for loss, damage, or suffering. It is a form of reparation or payment made to make up for a loss or injury. Synonyms for Compensations: 1. Restitution – প্রতিপাদনের অর্থ 2. Reimbursement … Read more