
Compensation Meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপাদ্য (noun, pronunciation: pro-tipaadyo) প্রতিপাদ্য, প্রতিপাদ্যতা, প্রতিপাদন, প্রতিপাদনা, প্রতিপাদনযোগ্যতা (noun, pronunciation: pro-tipaadyo, pro-tipaadyota, pro-tipaadan, pro-tipaadan, pro-tipaadan-yoggyota) Definition: Compensation refers to something, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering. It is a form of payment or reimbursement provided to make up for a loss or damage … Read more


Compensating Meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপূর্তি করা, প্রতিপূর্তি (verb, pronunciation: kom-puh n-seyt-ing) Definition: Compensating refers to the act of making up for something, usually to provide an equivalent or suitable substitute. It involves giving or receiving payment or benefits to offset a loss or to make amends for a wrongdoing. Synonyms for Compensating: Recompensing (প্রতিপূর্তি করা) … Read more


Compensates meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপূর্ণ করে (verb, prati-purno kore), পরিশোধ করে (verb, porishodh kore), পূরণ করে (verb, puron kore) Definition and Synonyms Compensates is a verb that means to make up for something, to provide recompense or payment for a loss or injury. It can also refer to balancing or offsetting something. Synonyms for compensates … Read more


Compensated meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপূর্ণ (pratipurno), প্রতিপাদিত (pratipadito), প্রতিপাদ্য (pratipadya) (noun, pronunciation: kom-puh n-sey-tid) Definition of Compensated Compensated is an adjective that refers to receiving payment or being given something in return for a loss, injury, or service. It can also mean making up for a deficiency or balancing out an unfavorable situation. Compensated Synonyms … Read more


Compensate meaning in Bengali: প্রতিপূর্ণ করা, পূরণ করা, পরিশোধ করা (verb, kômpensêt) Definition of Compensate verb (kômpensêt) To compensate means to make up for something, to provide an equivalent or to offset a loss or disadvantage. Compensate Synonyms Recompense – পূরণ করা (recompense meaning in Bengali) Remunerate – প্রতিপূর্ণ করা (remunerate meaning in Bengali) Indemnify … Read more