
Cat meaning in Bengali: বিড়াল, পুচ্ছিমানুষ (noun, pronunciation: /kæt/)

Definition of Cat

A cat is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal that is often kept as a pet. It is known for its independent nature, agility, and hunting skills. Cats are also valued for their companionship and ability to catch rodents.

Cat Synonyms

  • Feline (বিড়ালের মতো)
  • Kitty (পুচ্ছিমানুষের মতো)
  • Pussycat (পুচ্ছিমানুষের মতো)
  • Tomcat (পুরুষ বিড়াল)
  • Moggy (পুচ্ছিমানুষের মতো)

For more – Feline meaning in Bengali, Kitty meaning in Bengali, Pussycat meaning in Bengali, Tomcat meaning in Bengali, Moggy meaning in Bengali.

Antonyms of Cat

  • Dog (কুকুর)
  • Mouse (ইঁদুর)
  • Rat (ইঁদুর)
  • Bird (পাখি)

For more – Dog meaning in Bengali, Mouse meaning in Bengali, Rat meaning in Bengali, Bird meaning in Bengali.

Origin of Cat

The word “cat” originated from the Old English word “catt” which is derived from the Late Latin word “cattus”.

Nearby Words

  • Kitten (noun)
  • Pet (noun)
  • Whiskers (noun)
  • Purr (verb)
  • Scratch (verb)

Cat in Literature Quotes

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” – Sigmund Freud (বিড়ালের সঙ্গে ব্যয় করা সময় কখনই অপব্যয় হয় না।)

“I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.” – Hippolyte Taine (আমি অনেক দার্শনিক এবং অনেক বিড়াল অধ্যয়ন করেছি। বিড়ালের জ্ঞান অসীম পরিমাণে উচ্চতর।)

Cat Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বিড়াল
  • Hindi: बिल्ली
  • Nepali: बिरालो
  • Urdu: بلی
  • Tamil: பூனை
  • Telugu: పిల్లి
  • Arabic: قطة
  • Chinese: 猫
  • Japanese: 猫
  • Russian: кошка

To see more – Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali, Cat meaning in Bengali.

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