Comfit শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ হলো মিষ্টি বলি, মিষ্টি বলি (noun, /ˈkɒmfɪt/).
Definition and Synonyms
Comfit is a noun that refers to a small candy or sweetmeat made of fruit, nuts, or spices coated with sugar. It can also be used to describe a sweetened fruit or nut. Synonyms for comfit include confection, sweet, candy, bonbon, and sweetmeat. For more information on the meaning of these synonyms in Bengali, you can visit the following links:
- Confection meaning in Bengali
- Sweet meaning in Bengali
- Candy meaning in Bengali
- Bonbon meaning in Bengali
- Sweetmeat meaning in Bengali
Antonyms of comfit in Bengali include কঠিন খাদ্য (hard food) and মুঠোফল (dry fruit).
Origin and Nearby Words
The word comfit originated from the Latin word ‘conficere’ meaning ‘to prepare’. Nearby words include confectionery (noun), confiture (noun), and confit (noun).
Comfit in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that mention comfit:
“She gave me a comfit, and promised to bring me another to-morrow.” – William Shakespeare
(তিনি আমাকে একটি মিষ্টি বলি দিলেন এবং আগামীকাল আরেকটি দিতে বলে আশ্বাস দিলেন।)
Comfit Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the meaning of comfit in different languages:
- Bengali: মিষ্টি বলি
- Hindi: मिठाई गोली
- Nepali: मिठाई गोली
- Urdu: مٹھائی گولی
- Tamil: மிதாயி பட்டை
- Telugu: పిండి పండు
- Arabic: حلوى صغيرة
- Chinese: 糖果
- Japanese: お菓子
- Russian: конфета
To find more meanings of comfit in Bengali, you can visit,,, and
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If you are interested in the meaning of comfit in other languages, you may also like:
- Comfit meaning in Nepali
- Comfit meaning in Urdu
- Comfit meaning in Telugu
- Comfit meaning in Tamil
- Comfit meaning in Bengali
Remember to always enjoy your comfits responsibly and in moderation!